What swims better, an otter or a shark?

I don't know, and you probably don't either.
At ZPSS, we separate our classes by age and comfort.
No random animal levels - just categories you can actually figure out.

First steps

4-12 years

These classes focus on comfort in the water and basic safety skills. If your kiddo is scared of the water or not cool putting their face in, this is the class for them!


4-12 years

For kids who are comfortable putting their face in, but cannot backfloat unassisted. If your kiddo is comfortable in the water and ready to learn the basics of swimming, this is the class for them!



For kids who are comfortable going under and can backfloat on their own, but aren't quite swimming across the pool. We're going to build on their foundation and begin putting strokes together.



This class is for students who can swim crawl stroke the across the pool. Swimmers that are ready to refine their swimming and learn all 4 strokes. This class is perfect for kids getting ready to crush it on a swim team!



It's never too late to learn! Adult classes are tailored to you - no matter where you are in your journey with the water.

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